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Interlibrary Loans
The interlibrary loan service is a process by which WPL requests materials (not available
in our library) on a patron’s behalf from other participating libraries. The Winnebago
Public Library receives interlibrary loan deliveries weekly on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday mornings (excluding holidays). Only patrons in good standing and in the
Winnebago District can order material through PrairieCat, by phone, or at our service
More than 5,000 multi-type (academic, public, school and special) member libraries
contribute to the Interlibrary Loan Program. Resources are shared among libraries in
order to meet the information, recreation and research needs of library users. Individual
libraries challenged to meet the requests of their users can do so through statewide
cooperative collection management agreements. The American Library Association
recognizes that the sharing of material between libraries is an integral element in the
provision of library service and believes it to be in the public interest to encourage such
an exchange. Interlibrary Loan (ILL), a mechanism of obtaining material, is essential to
the vitality of all libraries. The effectiveness of the interlibrary loan system depends upon
participation of libraries of all types and sizes.
According to the American Library Association, Interlibrary Loan is 'the process by which
a library requests material from, upon request of a library user, material not available in
the user's local library."
Requesting Library - the library borrowing material
Supplying Library - the library lending material
Material - Includes books, audiovisual materials, and other returnable items as
well as copies of journal articles, book chapters, excerpts, and other non-
returnable items.
The purpose of interlibrary loan as defined is to obtain, upon request of a library user,
material not available in the user's local library. It is not meant to replace the library's
material but to expand and enrich it. Resource Sharing is a variety of libraries or
consortial activities designed to improve library services and/or reduce costs. Interlibrary
loan is an example of it.
The Winnebago Public Library participates in OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan library
System. It is the library's judgment that this system is the best resource for our library.
This system does NOT include Rockford Public Library however it does include other
local libraries as well as libraries in the Chicago area. Please be aware that when we
submit a material request into the system it decides for us which library will accept our
Reciprocal Borrowing
A form of cooperative agreement between two or more libraries allowing their users on-
site circulation privileges at another library. The Winnebago Public Library allows
reciprocal borrowing for WPL material on site but doesn't participate in interlibrary loan
with reciprocal borrowers. Reciprocal borrowers will need to put their request in at
their home library (the library to which you pay taxes to).
Scope and Responsibilities
All libraries participating in interlibrary loan adhere to rules and guidelines associated
with transactions. The Winnebago Public Library receives interlibrary loan deliveries
weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday momings (not including holiday exceptions).
The Interlibrary loan service is only available to Winnebago Public Library district
patrons in good standing.
The ILLINET (Illinois Library and Infonnation Network) Interlibrary Loan Code, approved
by the Illinois State Library Advisory committee, endorsed by the Illinois Library Systems,
and adopted by the Illinois State Library effective March 12, 2008, govems interlibrary
lending policy within ILLINET. Based on the most current American Library Association
National Interlibrary Loan Code, this code promotes efficient resource sharing among
ILLINET libraries.
Some of our responsibilities include:
We ensure patron confidentiality
Adhere to copyright law
Assume responsibility for borrowed material until returned to lending library
If damage or loss occurs while borrowing, we provide compensation or
replacement in accordance with the supplying library
Honor the due date provided by lending library
All material is subject to recall by lending library, materials are to be returned
immediately if recalled
The lending library determines whether the material can be provided and we must
honor the lending libraries condition of loan
Package material to prevent damage and ship material in a timely manner
Yearly submission of statistics to the Illinois State Library
If you have any further questions or concerns please contact out service desk at 815-
335-7050. Resources for this page were obtained from Jesse White Secretary of State
and State Librarian ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Code and The American Library
Association Interlibrary Code for the United States.
Enriching. Empowering. Evolving.