© Copyright Winnebago Public Library All Rights Reserved
Access to Library Services
Length of Checkout for Library Materials:
1 Week - DVD - 1 Renewal
2 Weeks – Multi Disc (3 or more) set/series –1 Renewal
2 Weeks - Materials classified by WPL as “NEW” – No Renewal
2 Weeks - Telescopes - No renewal
3 Weeks - Books, Audio Bks, Magazines, Music CDs, STEM Kits - 1 Renewal
Limits of Checkout for Library Materials:
5 Titles - DVD, Audio Books, Music CDs
5 Titles - Materials classified by WPL as “NEW” materials
2 - STEM Kits
1 - Telescopes
Unlimited - Books, Magazines
Want to renew your material?
Upon request, material may be renewed via a phone call or email. If there
are no requests by another patron for an item, it may be renewed.
Book Drop Returns:
The Library maintains a bookdrop available to patrons from outside the library
for our patrons’ convenience. Items returned after the library is closed will be
considered returned the next day. Materials returned in the book drop while
the library is open are checked in on the same day. The bookdrop is not
checked on Sundays or on holidays.
STEM Kits:
The primary purpose of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) kits is
to provide education resources while exposing children to the STEM fields.
The kits assist children in developing critical thinking and deductive reasoning
skills. The library encourages kids of all ages to explore the STEM fields with a
variety of STEM kits for checkout. Because of this, a limited number of items
are available for checkout. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the
library administration. STEM kits are checked out for 2 weeks at a time.
Kits are available at the service desk on a first-come, first-serve basis. To
reserve a kit in advance, contact the library service desk.
Borrowers must have their own active library card and be in good
standing at time of checkout.
Reciprocal cards may not check out kits.
Library staff reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who abuses the
kits or is repeatedly late in returning them.
If a kit is lost, returned in parts, stolen, damaged, or otherwise not
returned the patron will be responsible to pay, repair, or replace the item.
Users are required to report any problems experienced during their
borrowing period.
The condition of the kit will be assessed before checkout and upon its
Enriching. Empowering. Evolving.
Access to library services with a library card
Most library services are available to Winnebago residence with a library card.
All residents within the Winnebago Public Library District are eligible to apply
for a three-year library card. For more information: click here
Access to Library Services Policy: click here