© Copyright Winnebago Public Library All Rights Reserved
Support WPL
Property taxes pay a portion of the Winnebago Public Library District’s expenses.
Grant funding, when available, also helps. But, in order to provide you with the
materials, programs, service and access you deserve, we depend on additional
support from generous individuals and organizations.
All contributions made to the Winnebago Public Library District are tax deductible to
the full extent of the law.
Get Involved—Your Way!
What to help? Here’s how….
Donate Time
We are always looking for volunteers! You might help with grounds maintenance,
shelving and organizing materials, office tasks, or programming. We welcome
individuals who want to help on a regular basis or with a one-time project and groups
that want to work on a project.
Organizational Support
We count on the contributions of area businesses and services and are grateful for
such strong support! Our sponsors provide funds, materials, food, and advertising for
so many of our programs and services.
Donate Money
Whether it’s the change from your car console or a $500 contribution, we welcome
and appreciate financial contributions! You may designate your contribution for a
specific program, service, or collecting area or allow the library to use your
contribution wherever there are needs.
Send a check payable to the Winnebago Public Library
Winnebago Public Library
210 North Elida Street
Winnebago, IL 61088
Donate Materials
Your gently used books, audio books and DVD’s may be recycled in the library’s
collection or put out for sale to raise funds for collections and programs. We also
appreciate gifts of program supplies and prizes, office supplies, and cleaning supplies.
Library lovers who want to make a difference into the future may want to consider a
bequest to the Winnebago Public Library in their estate planning. The automatic
sliding doors at the library entrance, for example, were made possible through a
bequest that enabled the library to provide required matching grant funds.
More Ways to Get Involved
• Join the Friends of the Winnebago Public Library
• Visit a Board meeting (1st Thursday of each month in the library community
• Consider becoming a member of the Board of the Winnebago Public Library
Have a donation? Want to Volunteer? Want to know more?
• Visit the library front desk or call 815-335-7050
• Email the Director at director@winnebagopubliclibrary.org
Memorial Garden (south of library) in memory of
Margelet “Peggey” Palm. Jerry Palm and Family
On behalf of the Winnebago Public Library we want to thank Brody and Dusty Oberbroekling
for their donated time to restoring the lawn behind the library. Brody presented his plan for
seeding the library grass to the library board of trustees at the May 17th board meeting.
Brody is working on his Cub Scout Webelo badge. We are grateful for your generosity and most
importantly your commitment to our mission, thank you for your generous support. To find
more ways you can support the Library please go to our Support WPL page
The Ruby Hodges memorial garden located at the front of the Winnebago Public Library received
an update by Joie Vittetow. The 18 year old Winnebago High School graduate, as part of her Senior
Community Service Project, restored the memorial Garden sign in 2017 originally constructed by
Steve Miller May 1991.
Ruby Hodges,
picture thanks to Winnebago Community Historical Society
Enriching. Empowering. Evolving.
Memory and Honorary Gifts
Remember a loved one or an important event by making a donation to the library.
The library will place a memory or presentation plate in the book or material to honor
the recipients. Other gifts are recognized with personalized plaques. Contact our
service desk at 815-335-7050 for more information.